Common Uniform Items
Links to items you will likely need. Remember: one is none, two is one.

Boot Blousing Bands
Tip: tie two together to make the band stronger. One band per leg is usually too loose.
Shirt Stays for wear in service uniforms
These are the ones to get - with the loops over the foot. Don't get the clips on both sides, they will unclip at the most inopportune time.
Rigger's Belt - for wear in cammies
The issued web belt / buckles loosen too easily. The rigger's belts sold at the MCX cost an arm and a leg. This one is $14 on amazon.

Boonie cover for wear in the field

Officer EGA for the collar of Service Alphas

Ribbon rank / mounting for single ribbon
Tip: put cardboard behind this on the inside of your uniform to make it tight to the shirt.